Friday, April 27, 2012

Cheatless Cheesecake

Ok fellow Dieters lets talk about the good stuff, we all know that every one of us craves something, that one thing that makes our mouth water while rounding mile 4 on our run (trying to think about anything other than cardio usually leads to thoughts of food). Let's not kid ourselves here, my trainer has dreams about Jelly Donuts!!! I have a out of control moderate sweet tooth so when my inner fat kid screams for ice cream  I get a small craving I try to deter my sweet tooth with chocolate a healthy treat. Now with the right ingredients we can make it taste like the real deal!!! So while rounding mile 1 mile 6 the other day I was like "That's it! Cheesecake! Who doesn't Love Cheesecake!" so I went home and created a dozen few trial and errors and I think I got it down to perfection! This cheesecake will taste like a "Cheat" but don't worry, the band on those undies is safe for another day! Our goal is delight not diet delay!
This recipe is quick, easy and won't even put a dent in your daily intake but will have a big impression on your tummy! So let' put a smile on that face and indulge in some guiltless goodness!

The Grocery List (Ingredients)
Remember: Going into the grocery store without a list is dieters suicide!

1/2 C 0% Fage Green Yogurt (Plain)
1 (heaping) Tbsp Fat Free Cream Cheese (Softened) (Philadelphia is always a go to brand!)
1/2 Sheet (2 sections) Reduced Fat Honey Maid Graham Crackers
1/2 Tbsp Reduced Fat Peanut Butter (Ralph's Reduced Fat is great PB!!!)
Cinnamon ( a few dashes - or a dozen if you love cinnamon!)
1 Packet Stevia
3/4 Scoop Protein Powder (I use Isopure Zero Carb - Strawberries and cream! YUM)
6 Raw Almonds (Count Count Count this is a big deal! Every little bit adds up)

Strawberries - 1-2 Large - Optional

Your Tools
Cutting Board
Chopping / Dicing / Slicing Knife
Small Mixing Bowl
Measuring Cup (This is a must!)
Measuring Spoons (Measuring is soooo Important for Diet Success!)
Fork - Spoon (Either to Mix Your Ingredients - Or a mixer....but that's getting pretty serious)
Bowl (For you final Cheesecake - Portable or stationary - Whatever your style is (; )

Directions to a Delectable Delight!
Finely Chop Almonds and Graham Crackers (itty bitty little teeny weeny - smaller the better)
Mix Stevia, Peanut Butter, Almonds and Crackers together well
Pack into the bottom of your dish and set aside (This is your crust so pack it in there tight!)
Mix softened cream cheese, 0% fage and protein powder together (mix very very well)
Pour yogurt mixture over your crust.
Now at this point I know your STARVING! So you can either top with strawberries (or not) and enjoy now oooooorrr it is even better if you throw this bad boy into the freezer for an hour and enjoy lightly froze! YUMMMMMM! But different strokes for different folks, do what makes your tummy happy :)

The Skinny on the Nutrition

Calories............................. 270
Carbs................................. 17g
Fat..................................... 9g
Sugar................................. 9g
Protein............................... 36g

*All Nutrition is based off of Brands Suggested above. Does not include fresh fruit.




1 comment:

  1. I am definatley going to try this one. Looks delicious. My "my inner fat kid" is going to thank you
